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【重型网 独家编译】近日外媒发布一则消息,小松月球建筑设备数字孪生技术(digital twin technology)开发提案入选日本国土交通厅主导的外太空自动化施工项目,并公开了一张太空自动驾驶挖机的样子,科技感十足。






在2022年(3月止)的3年中期经营计划中,小松正致力于通过推进产品(机器的自动化和自主性)和流程(op)来实现未来安全、高生产率、智能和清洁的工作场所。关于月球建筑设备数字孪生技术(digital twin technology)的选定开发,小松将在产品和工艺中利用积累的技术。

由于月球表面的实际物体很复杂,小松认为数字孪生技术(digital twin technology)至关重要,可以精确地重建现场条件和机器。为了开发这项技术,小松将进行可行性研究,以验证开发高精度数字孪生技术的可能性,这是月球建筑设备的基础技术。具体来说,小松将在网络空间中创建和操作液压挖掘机,并将其运动与地球上的实际设备进行比较,以验证模拟器的精度。小松还将月球的表面条件设置为网络空间,并检查模拟器中挖掘机的运动,以确定我们的月球设备面临的问题。


Komatsu Selected for Development of Innovative Technologies for Outer Space Autonomous Construction Managed by the Japanese Government: Participating in the Project for Promoting the Development of Innovative Technologies for Autonomous Construction, Such as on the Moon

Komatsu Ltd. (hereafter “Komatsu”) (President and CEO: Hiroyuki Ogawa) has applied for the request for proposal concerning the Project for Promoting the Development of Innovative Technologies for Outer Space Autonomous Construction (lead-managed by Japan’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (hereafter "MLIT") with collaboration by Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology). This Project was decided by the MLIT in July this year as part of its Strategic Program for Accelerating Research, Development and Utilization of Space Technology (Stardust Program). Komatsu’s proposal of the Development of Digital Twin Technology for Lunar Construction Equipment has been selected as an eligible target of Technology related to Autonomous Construction (Automation and Remote Control). 

Under the leadership of the Council of Promoting the Development of Innovative Technologies for Autonomous Construction, an inter-ministry collaboration body, all selected companies and organizations will diligently conduct research and development of their individual  technologies. In this way, in the near future Komatsu will contribute to Japan’s achievement of advanced construction and research and development of outer space construction activities, such as on the moon. future.

Adaptation of lunar construction equipment by using digital twin technology (conceptual)

In the ongoing three-year, mid-term management plan, to be completed in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2022, Komatsu is working to achieve safe, highly productive, smart, and clean workplaces of the future by advancing products (automation and autonomy of machines) and processes (optimization of construction operations). Concerning the selected Development of Digital Twin Technology for Lunar Construction Equipment, Komatsu will utilize accumulated technologies in both products and processes. 

Because it’s complicated to approach actual objects on the moon's surface, Komatsu believes that digital twin technology is essential, precisely recreating site conditions and machines. To develop this technology, Komatsu will conduct a feasibility study to verify the possibility of developing high-precision digital twin technology, the basic technology of lunar construction equipment. Specifically, Komatsu will create and operate a hydraulic excavator in cyberspace and compare its movements with actual equipment on Earth to verify the simulator's precision. Komatsu will also set the surface conditions of the moon as cyberspace, and check the movements of the excavator in the simulator in order to identify the issues facing our lunar equipment. 

Achievement of safe, highly productive, smart and clean workplaces of the future by advancing products (automation and autonomy of machines) and processes (optimization of construction operations)

Towards the next 100 years, Komatsu will continue to create value through manufacturing and technology innovation to empower a sustainable future where businesses, people, and our planet thrive together.

编译文章,作者:重型网。来源:www.mlit.go.jp、Komatsu Construction。本文系重型网编译,转载请注明出处,感谢您的阅读与关注。欢迎大家积极投稿,审核通过后署名发布,投稿邮箱:market@cn-winner.com

关键词: 自动化挖机 月球建设